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July 20, 2009


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Good company and good food...Can't beat that! You, your "Hubs," and Paul are certainly blessed to have each other's company to enjoy...
Thanks for sharing your recipes. I think I'll give 'em a try myself!
And, your readers wouldn't mind hearing about 41 Taylor from you too! I've been wondering if you're having as much fun as the other Tracey!
Hope so!
Susan (from Massachusetts)

Tracey Buxton

Great post! Write what you know...
The OTHER Tracey

jen R Sanctuary arts at home

Wane to stop by and say Happy Birthday!


So I hear it's your special day!! Happy birthday, Tracey.....the other Tracey told me....:)

That meal looks so delicious!

Peg M.

I just read your DQ story...LOVED IT!!! I felt I was there with you, cheering you on!!! :-) Thanks for the good laugh-- I can definitely identify!!!

Wishing you a DELIGHTFUL birthday including the most PERFECT BLIZZARD that has ever touched your lips!!!! :-)


You've made me hungry for salmon and sauteed spinach at 7;15 am!

BTW--Happy Birthday and may you have a joyous and fulfilling year!

Favorite Auntie

Happy Happy Birthday! Have fun today and do something just for YOU! No whiskey tango today!


A little bird said it's your birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have a wonderful day.

I always love recipes, decorating/crafting tips and flea market finds. Keep up the good work.

Wagonwife Designs

Happy Birthday-hope the dreams you dream come true.

Just found your blog through other Tracey,I know you are the other Tracey, but you get it.

Love the recipes. I cook salmon the same way, but never saw the mustard sauce, so I will add it next time. The spinach also looks like a winner.
I agree blog about your cooking. It is spectatular.
Again many happy wishes,

Tammy Spencer

I heard from a little birdie that's it's your birthday. From one July baby to another ...have a good one :0)

The French Twist

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to, Happy birthday......... DEAR TRACEY...... Happy Birthday to you!


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!


You say it's your birthday
Hope your gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.
(adapted Beatles Lyrics))

Sue @ Serendipity

Surely you should treat to yourself to a Birthday Blizzard!!! Maybe the chumps can get it right this time-Happy Birthday and many, many more!!!


Yum! I'm thrilled you shared, I'm always looking for inspiration in the kitchen :)

Debra Rose

Your recipe sounds so delicious! I am looking forward to trying it. I like to mix a little soy sauce, fresh minced ginger, orange, lemon, and lime juice, sesame oil, and white pepper all together for a marinade and grill my salmon. Your recipe sounds like another winner!

Carter's mom

Ok. I don't eat seafood, but even I think that looks YUMMY!!!

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