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September 18, 2009


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Gosh, I would love to go...I am sure it will be fun and exciting!

Travel safe,


Tracey, I really like the new look of your blog... very fresh! I too am selling at the market tomorrow and hope to have a chance to chat, it can be so busy I may not even get a break! See you then ~Jacque
I am located right below the big parking garage.

Katy Halligan

It was great to chat with you at the market! I hope you enjoy your pumpkin through the seasons! Just wanted to let you know we are all support you in our thoughts! You have a great thing with 41 Taylor and your wonderful displays that you and Tracy continuously turn out for shows! i am new to this vintage community and am so wowed by the friendship and support it has! So we are here! Good luck and hopefully we will see you at Sac or Alameda soon!!



how are you doing now that your cohort in crime/treasure hunting/just really good friend/sister is moving northwesterly?

thinking of you.


I'm doing great! moving forward is hard,but I am 100% committed.....thanks

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