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September 17, 2009


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More words to live by -
Live simply. Love generously. Speak kindly. Care deeply. Leave the rest to God.

Believe in yourself...
something wonderful is in store for you.


The French Twist

This verse touches my heart, Thank you for sharing.


Hi Tracey: You're doing smashing in the blogging dept. -- today's post is a 'stirred just right' thought to chew over (& the photo twinned with the words -- 'bang-on'!). Just want you to know that it's appreciated........a lot.

God Bless,

Julie Federico

Stopped by to see you today. The place looks beautiful. I'll try tomorrow while I'm in class next door....


Mary Lou Alley

Tracey, You do need to remember who is ultametly in charge. I love the saying... He has great plans for you, all you need to do is get out of the way! My love always, Mom


Tracey haven't been able to visit in couple of wks because I was at our cottage in Canada and no tv omputer etc. Was able to read Tracey's message about moving and I have been feeling so sad for you. But you are amazing and now I see why you two have had such a connection you are both such warm giving individuals. I can just see your emails flying back and forth. Luv your new pic and the new look. Can't wait to visit longer but have to get ready for 4 days on the road but will be taking my notebook to catch up with all of my virtual friends. Isn't this a great tool to connect with so many awesome people. Again you are great, pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Can't wait for more blogs and recipes from you Diane

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