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October 17, 2009


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Tracey, I enjoy your blog so much. Though I haven't been following you too long, I think I can identify w/ your stretching and growing through some of the curves that have come your way. I have also had the opportunity to grow because of circumstances I wouldn't have chosen for myself. But God has shown Himself faithful and used those circumstances for good, as He promises He will. Your pictures today are beautfiul - thanks for sharing. He is a creative God and He made you creative, too! Isn't that good?


The pictures are beautiful. I think I miss the fall leaves more than almost anything since we've moved to Florida.


Is the arboretum in Rancho San Rafael Park? I'll have to go soon, since I'm moving near there {and near you, too!}.

Debbie York

I would love to be able to see fall foliage like y'all have. The closest thing we have down here is in East Texas and while it's pretty, it isn't near the show y'all get.
Your positive attitude is going to serve you well. (I sound like Confucious!)


Sunday Hi's Tracey
.....We're blessed as you Tracey to have God's paintbox at work everywhere we look. Autumn is my kinda season, but, then....I say that at all the changes. Well, maybe not by the midway point of Winter though...just keepin' it honest Tracey! :o)

On a sensitive side, you laid out some worrisome times that you and your dear hubs are journeying though; written with such a graceful perspective Tracey. I pray tonight that as the Seasons abruptly change, so too do business circumstances.....

God Bless,


Amen.. Don't we always see someone worse off and realize hey we'll be ok. Thx for the reminder.


This was such a beautiful post. Not only your area and pictures, but the message. I even read it to my husband. It was a gentle reminder of who is in charge and all will be okay.
Being in the construction industry ourselves, we have had to make life changing decisions and remind ourselves of all we have to be thankful for.


Tracey, I love autumn too...the color in your area is amazing. I have just returned from a week up in the NC mountains...the color along the Blue Ridge Parkway - what a sight to see...just breathtaking.

Your blog is so encouraging to me - hold your head up - keep the faith & pray and God will provide. I am there with you.

Love, Anita

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