Burrrrrrrrrr, yes fall is in the air in the Biggest Little City, there are only a few weekends left for us here to hold garage sales, it's just too cold and the weather is a little iffy......It snowed today!!!! just a little, but snow is snow right?
My partner in crime Laurie, she owns "The French Twist" a darling little beauty salon behind 41 Taylor and I hit the trail early on Saturday morning, we laughed and had a great time......let me tell you she has a great eye and well even a way with words, at this one house we had scoped out we were stashing our finds next to the check out and she had a big box of pots and pans she was purchasing and as we were walking away to check out more goodies, this older gentleman finds her box, and is more than a little interested, and starts talking to his wife, well Laurie turns around and says "Oh Honey Nut I have already purchased that box" he gave her a funny look and this gal says to Laurie, well that was a nice way of saying it! as you know garage salers get a little possessive over their stuff.....
The morning started off slow, but towards the end we managed to fill her Yukon and my SUV, we had to trade off in the parking lot as we got full! Well we had blast hope you enjoy seeing some of our finds!
Oh we had so much fun, Yes we filled two suvs but, she forgot to tell you her Hubby had do a pick up run as well. Thank you Mr hubs. Tracey just gave you a little Hint. Wait till you see the things, as she fluffs them up and Gets them down at junkies. She pays such attention to detail. Thank you Tracey I had a blast, there are three sisters making beautifull music in my office. See you this week honey bunny, not to be confused with honey nut. lol
Posted by: The French Twist | October 04, 2009 at 07:10 PM
Wow Tracey good stuff. Love the chairs. At our cottage in Canada we call them muskoka chairs and I painted 2 of them 1 lemon yellow and the other dark green to match our cottage roof. Yours look great all peely though. Can't wait until mine get that look. Luv luv your new tag line.
Posted by: Diane | October 04, 2009 at 07:20 PM
Oh, what fun!!! Glad that you are back - can't wait see more "treasures". Love, Anita
Posted by: Anita | October 05, 2009 at 05:39 AM
Oh, how I wish I could be your "partner in crime" at yard sales! But, alas, this girl has to work weekends. I'm moving November 1 and am packing. After I get settled, I'll scoot over to Junkees and pick up some "new" items.
Posted by: Cyndi | October 05, 2009 at 10:29 AM
.......sweet to see ya back Tracey with all your 'wares' & cheeries. Sounds like you're just like the mailman - Neither rain, nor snow, nor death of the night, can keep you from your duty of search 'n find in the 'grrrreat garage sale goodies'!! :o) But really.....S.N.O.W.??? eeech!
God Bless
Posted by: Barbra | October 05, 2009 at 05:31 PM
I love those Adirondack chairs. I'm searching for some but haven't had any luck yet.
Posted by: Gretchen Gerg | October 08, 2009 at 08:39 AM
you're just like the mailman - Neither rain, nor snow, nor death of the night, can keep you from your duty of search 'n find in the 'grrrreat garage sale
Posted by: Round and Brown | June 30, 2010 at 01:42 AM
you betcha!!!!!
Posted by: The Other Tracey | June 30, 2010 at 07:03 PM