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October 14, 2009


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The French Twist

Very true thank you for sharing....


What a wise woman Ms. Angelou is. Thanks for sharing!


How true. Gives me a lot to think about!


Wow how awesome. That is so amazing to realize that someone who has been through what she has experienced and can give us quotes like that. Life gives you lemons...

miss gracies house

Good stuff!


Thanks for sharing. I had read that before, but had forgotten about it. I need to bookmark it this time. Have a great week!


Live it, love it, love it!!!!
Makes me rethink a fre things!




Hi Tracey:
Maya appeared in my email a time ago with this little gem too. I love the way it expressed all the elements; joy days mirrored with sorrowful ones/ peaceful temperments put to the test on those 'tangled' life moments/love of others and self held faithfully in the Hand of God. Couldn't this 'ole world use a good dose of Wisdom right about now?

Thanks for sharing Tracey.
God Bless,

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