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October 07, 2009


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Oh Tracey, that lovely, little cozy post really WAS a "taste of Autumn"......a beautiful dining table, simple delicious food, invited guests -- it has the word 'blessing' written all over it.

I just today brought out the Fall 'look' to sprinkle around the rooms here.....the catalyst was my little grandson's visit....nothing says 'happy' like a wee kiddo surrounded in Autumn colours! :o)

God Bless You.

Mary  Lou Alley

Tracey, Your table looks beautiful! What a talent you have for "table scape." I love the fall too, big pots of homemade soup, stew. Your Dad asked me to make stew when we were at the cabin this summer. I said, you don't make stew in the summer and he said, "why not?" I did'nt have an answer, well not a really good one anyway. He finally got his stew this last weekend. He's happy it's fall too. My love always, Mom


First, I'm really happy that you are blogging a bit more often...your spirit shines through. I made a pot of soup today in the crockpot to celebrate my favorite season.....even though our temps here in CA don't reflect Autumn right now....however, my table looked nothing like yours! The secret is to treat ourselves like company, even if we don't invite the neighbors/friends.


What a beautifully set table........makes me want to come join you.
Soup.................my crockpot is calling.


Tracey just beautiful what a lucky neighbor! Luv the color on your wall want to paint my kitchen that color do you remember what brand and color. thx Diane glad you are visiting us more really enjoy your tips and upbeat attitude.

Julie Federico

Love the colors in the dining room and the tablescape. It all looks so cozy and inviting. So sweet of you to have Paul over. What a great neighbor you are...

Cindy~My Romantic Home

What a beautiful fall table! I bet Paul loved that! You are just so nice!

Round and Brown

Love the colors in the dining room and the tablescape. It all looks so cozy and inviting. So sweet of you to have Paul over. What a great neighbor you are...

The Other Tracey

Thanks so much for your kind words, all the encouragement in bloggy land is amazing, Paul is a gift to us.........

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