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November 10, 2009


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Love, love, love your blog Trace. It always inspires me to get on the blogging bandwagon more often.



Tracey, I have been receiving Southern Living forever! Only problem - always makes me hungry! Lots of good ideas. Can't wait to see your new "treasures". Glad that your show went well but sorry your battery died!
Happy Tuesday!
Love, Anita


I'm going to run out tommorrow and get that magazine. I need inspiration and I love the Southern Living magazines. Congratulations on your award. It was fun getting to know you a little better. I love Monday's too. I always feel like I can accomplish anything on Monday. By Friday, well....
Glad to hear your show went well. Will look forward to pictures of your primped and fluffed booth.

Julie Federico

Aren't the couple from Marilyn just so sweet. Met them at Sac when I went to see you last summer. Glad you did well.


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