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January 29, 2010


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They are beautiful! My mom has one of mine that was but a mere twig in a pot from my apartment 20 years ago, it is HUGE now and has been shared with family and friends...a cutting made it's way back to me several year back too.

I'm glad you shared them!

Will you be down in the bay area soon? I'm at Room With A Past, would love to see you there or maybe cross paths at Alameda!

pogonip @ meadowsweet cottage

I love the way they re-bloom inside just when we need a little color the most!

I have a mini pink geranium inside that reminds me of our little bungalow in southern California and my grandmother who grew them first.


Oh Tracey, I love the way you 'bloomed' today and it seems that you encouraged 'me' with your joy story.....winter days in Canada sure can use a floral uplift and your lovely family story did the trick! :o) Just a sidebar, but, not too long ago I read a book entitled 'Stick a Geranium In Your Hat And Be Happy'....seems like this wee posie might be among my chosen favourite flower after my 'double delight' with your posting and Barbara Johnson's 'read'!! :o)

God Bless Tracey,

Debbie York

What a great story of sunshine with a gray sky outside of my window. I hope you realize you have a talent with nurturing if these are that old. They don't look a day older than right out of the garden center.

Beverly@My Sew Sweet Studio

Beautiful Geraniums, Tracey. Hoping they are a sign spring is near for you.


What a nice story!


Tracey I too love love red geraniums. My hubby plants them in all of our whiskey barrel planters(maybe 8-10) at our cottage in Canada for the times we are there in the summer and fall. He maybe 6-7 months me whenever I can get a couple of wks off to go. At night they look just like velvet in the dusk. How smart of you to keep the same. Alas we deal with so much freezing and aren't there to repot and whatever you do so well. You know it is almost like our recyling our flea market goodies reduce reuse recycle. good for you.


Hi Tracey.....the subject might be geraniums, but, I just wanted to make this a "forgetmenot" wee message to you with hopes that today left you feeling blessed.
God Bless,


Oh my goodness, I didn't know that geraniums would could last that long. I love geraniums but have never had any inside only in pots outside which of course
don't last during the winter. Now I want a red geranium in my house. Thanks for brightening up my gloomy day.


Dear Tracey - sending a 'little springtime' to your winter day dearone.
Be Blessed,


Geraniums are a summertime favorite for me. I am almost ashamed to say I didn't know they could live all year round, let alone 29 years!
Happy Valentines Day!


....praying strength into your day dear Tracey.
God Bless,

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