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July 04, 2010


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Leigh Ann

Happy 4th of July Tracey! Enjoy the day. I love everything about the 4th! Most of all being with my family.
Leigh Ann

Beverly@My Sew Sweet Studio

Happy 4th to you too, Tracey. I love all the things you mentioned. Especially the family part. This week, I talked to all the grandkids about 4th of July traditions their Dads had when growing up and how important family traditions are.
I'm really enjoying visiting your blog again.


"My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!"

Happy 4th of July Tracey ~ we celebrated Canada Day on July 1st with the same humble pride in our beautiful country as you and your dearones are doing today; may God continue to bless and keep our land.

Enjoy all the sweet summer activities that go along with this day from family to fireworks Tracey!!! :o)

God Bless,

coach sale

I knew little in this part before,thank you for you information!Best wishes for you and happiness throughout the everyday.

debbie york

MMM...anuthing hot off the grill!
P.S. Hope you had a fun and safe 4th.

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