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July 27, 2010


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I love.love.love the look of that sweet camera.
But I checked it out and it takes film!...and I'm certain this girl could never go back to loading film. I am SO grateful for memory cards and the simplicity of popping them in and out! I have bad memories of film that wasn't loaded properly film that didn't advance, double exposures...
Now if they came up with a digital that was that adoeable (and priced right) I'd have to entertaing the idea of getting one just for the pure FUN and "cuteness" of it!


adoeable?...no, that's teehee


adorable...the word's adorable!


It is a beautiful color...but I am not sure if I remember how to load film....although I bet it takes amazing photos!!!
Margaret B

Beverly@My Sew Sweet Studio

Yes, so cute, but this girl is spoiled by digital...love the colo and retro look, though.

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