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July 02, 2010


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Love it all! You've got really great classic taste!

Beverly@My Sew Sweet Studio

Great stuff, Tracey. Looks like you have been doing quite a lot of shopping.


Hello, Tracey! I'm a little behind in my correspondence but know thast you've been missed! I want to shop at Junkee SO BADLY! There are several thngs in your pics I just long to pick up and peruse! Looks like things are going well! So glad you're back!


What a happy little spot you've created Tracey; I got a kick outta 'window shopping' via the photos! :o)

'Tis a continual Welcome Back theme to my scribble Tracey.....(thought I'd "show & tell ya"!).

God Bless,

The Other Tracey

oh thanks so much.....early american gargage sale I say!!!! Tracey

The Other Tracey

I have really been trying to keep my little booth packed full.....It seems when I have a lot of variety it really moves out of my booth! its hard sometimes but with my mom helping its been a little easier.....Happy 4th! Tracey


I love show and tell! Thanks for sharing pics of your booth space. Looks like you have some goodies. I am seriously thinking about starting up a little booth for myself. I keep bringing home vintage treasures-things I just have to bring home because they are too good to pass up. It really is my passion. And I am accumulating quite a bit....I think the next step is a booth somewhere. Thanks for sharing!

The Other Tracey

oh Mary I really want to encourage you to do it! I love having my little space, and I make money too! Good Luck.....Tracey

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